Header image with various live moments from sports events, symbol image AI-based content delivery

AI-based content delivery and how sponsors benefit from it

Reading time: 7 Minuten

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Today, AI-based image recognition routines enable the fast and efficient provision of personalized content in large quantities. Sports organizations are therefore increasingly relying on these technologies to provide sponsors with tailored content. This not only improves sponsor involvement, but also increases their willingness to invest in the medium and long term. From a sponsor’s point of view, it is extremely valuable to be able to share current image material that shows their own brand logos alongside sports stars ‘in action’. Ideally from events with significant media interest.

Sponsors can also better evaluate the situations in which their own logos and claims are visible, whether at the sports competitions themselves or at accompanying events.

AI-based image recognition can of course also be used to identify specific products. Whether it is a specific sports shoe or a special sports drink, the underlying models can be trained on any sufficiently definable object.

4 key benefits for sponsors

Access to individual live content certainly offers sponsors and partners a number of other important advantages. These include:

  1. Reduced production costs: sponsors can use short formats created at live events directly and no longer need to hire additional production teams for this.
  2. Easy licensing: access to authentic content with own logos eliminates the cost and effort of searching for and licensing agency material.
  3. Deepening brand affiliation: linking sports content and values with the own brand strengthens it and is not only positively received by sports fans.
  4. More reach and engagement: short, authentic content is particularly important for Generation Z sports fans, as they predominantly use social media.

Media delivery in real time – a real challenge

Sponsors need quick and easy access to relevant digital media. Hence they can capitalize directly on the dynamics of a match or competition day and the corresponding interest of fans. Collecting, sorting and distributing brand-related content is time-consuming if it is done manually. Real-time delivery is therefore only possible if the majority of processes are automated. This is where the aforementioned image recognition routines come into play. We will discuss this in more detail in the next section.

AI-based real-time delivery – how it works

The AI-based delivery of content in real time relies on several technical components that work together seamlessly. The 5 most important are:

  1. Image recognition and classification: AI image recognition algorithms are based on deep neural networks (deep learning). They can analyze in real time which elements are contained in an image or video. These routines identify logos, texts, people or specific actions (e.g. a goal scene in soccer) with a high degree of accuracy.
  2. Metadata enrichment: the recognized elements are automatically enriched with metadata to record what can be seen in the image or video. This data includes information such as the brands depicted, the place and time the photo was taken, as well as the type of sport and event. This enables a precise search and filtering of content.
  3. Automated content generation: user-defined content can be generated automatically based on the metadata. For example, users can define which keyword combination triggers the creation of highlight videos and how their own logos should be embedded in such clips.
  4. Cloud-based infrastructure: all content processing and storage takes place in the cloud, which ensures rapid scaling and availability. Only state-of-the-art data centers offer the performance and storage resources to efficiently manage large volumes of image and video data.
  5. Platform integration: generated content can be distributed seamlessly. Be it a web-based media portal, a mobile app or a social media platform. APIs and special integration services make it possible to deliver content automatically. So that it is available exactly when the audience is most active.

Live analysis and reporting

Smart analysis tools also monitor the performance of the content provided. Sponsors can see in real time how often their logos appear in various media, the reach of their content and how the audience reacts to it. Big data technologies can also help to identify recurring patterns and predict future engagement trends.

Additional feature: speech recognition

NLP technologies (natural language processing) can also be used to supplement media containing spoken language with text. For example, videos can be automatically provided with subtitles. This is an important step to increase digital accessibility.


It has been shown that AI-based systems are essential to fully exploit the dynamics and excitement of live events in the media. In combination with other technologies, sports organizations and sponsors can ensure that fans always have access to up-to-date, relevant and appealing content. As a result, target groups are better reached and actively involved. This helps to maximize brand presence.

Real-time delivery with the Media Hub

The teamnext | Media Hub is a cloud-based DAM solution. It is known for its intuitive usability and enables reliable real-time delivery of digital media. Our AI-based image recognition routines recognize specific people, objects, game scenes and brand elements such as logos and lettering on helmets, jerseys and other equipment. Relevant image material is automatically assigned to the respective sponsors and curated in personalized galleries.

Sports organizations can also track the presence and engagement of their partners on social and digital platforms and provide their sponsors with comprehensive data analytics. That is why renowned sports associations, leagues and clubs rely on our solution. These include the German Olympic Sports Confederation, the German Football Association, the German Handball League, and FC St. Pauli.

Test the teamnext | Media Hub

Would you like to find out more about the possibilities of our Media Hub? Then make an appointment for an individual online demo with one of our experts. You can then get straight into practice with a free 14-day test phase.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us personally. You can find our contact details at teamnext.com/en/contact.

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